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My favorite album covers

Album covers it's not just picture, they are can be really beautiful, or just unique, so i want to show you some of them.

All of this covers provided by Cover Art Archive.

Audioslave discography

Audioslave Out of Exile Revelations

Maybe, it's the first time, when i start to see a real art inside album covers. It's being December 2019 - January 2020, i listen so much to Audioslave and Chris Cornell. I very good remember, when i play songs from this albums in Windows Media Center and just look at them, while listen to music.

Bring Me The Horizon - Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings

It is my favorite cover of all times, while i look at this cover, and it's booklet, i just feel yourself so happy, because this covers show, how beautiful can be things, that peoples create. All this luna parks, forests, and other thigs... i just cannot describe, how i like it...


Daft Punk - Discovery


It's colors on logo seems for me to candies. :P



It's very cool cover for me. It's only one character on it with middle finger up, and look's really cool, and can said about music, that contains this album.