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Making a local APT repository with Debian ISO

In this guide, i show you, how you can easily become independent from APT repositories from Internet, having only Debian or Devuan ISO-file.


I show this on Devuan, because it's having a DESKTOP image, with 4 GB of packages.

Preparing enviroment

We are need to mount this ISO. If you have a free USB Media, you can write Devuan on it, with dd, but you can just write

mount ./*Path to ISO* ./*directory to mount*

And, that's all.

Using as repository

And, the last, that we need - it's write path to /etc/apt/sources.list. Write something like this:

deb [trusted=yes] file:/*Path to mount directory* chimaera main contrib

It should like something like that: deb [trusted=yes] file:/media/cdrom chimaera main contrib.
Now, updating with sudo apt update. And, now you can disable other repos.

Synaptic Screenshot

4700+ Packages with few DEs, and other software, enought to just use computer, all other can be compiled from source.