Sometimes people work as hard as possible, and they are losing a joy of life. In todays world it's a really big problem, so I'll try to help you! ^_^
You should feel happines, while working on your projects or just hobbies. Workplace should inspire you and nothing should distract you.
Boredom is a natural motivation for improvements, find a way to take pleasure of boredom. When avoid distractions, I find myself programming, plying music by ear or simply writing note sheets, and I never get tired. Don't look for inspiration, just do, even 5 minuites a day!
It's good to separate your working space, and space for art project, fun. I have a folders in my computer, and note-taking app:
When i am about to take a break, i simply didn't open "study" folder. You are always should have some time for yourself.
I have a backpack with my personal things, so I can easily find something in a single place. If I need to leave my house, I have everything in my backpack, and always have some free space for notebook and memories from my friends.
We are waste SO much time in the network, that we cannot understand, how days go by, and then our life! But, can we also find some time for yourself?
Disconnect from the network, turn off smartphone, and spend some time with yourself - try to understand, what's going on right now?
Maybe, this is the moment, when you finally can complete videogame, play musical instrument, draw something, or maybe just revisit some of your old ideas and projects?
Even a short time without permanent information flow help you to relax, or find some new idea, dream a little...
Also, you can increase quality of the information you consume: if you are about to take a long-time break, it's better to watch something like deadmau5 Masterclass, instead of Youtube-videos. Find pleasure in simple things!
My friend showed me this simple paper game. Draw 6x5 Circles grid, and paint some objects around them. This is a good way to kill some time.
And this is my example: picture.